05.04.2025 - 13.04.2025
26.04.2025 - 18.05.2025
1 day for free
Whether hiking holidays, e-bike holidays or time out with the family. The Sonnenhof, the village of Caines and the Merano region offer endless possibilities for leisure activities. Immerse yourself in this magical holiday world with its abundance of sunshine and mild temperatures.
What is the key to a successful holiday? Well, especially during this most beautiful time of the year, we run the risk of cramming too much into the little time we have. That creates stress. Maybe it would be an idea not to pack the day full of appointments and plans. So, “God leave a good man alone”, as we say in South Tyrol. How about a day of sweet relaxation at the Sonnenhof pool? Give it a try, you’ll love it!